EnigmA Amiga Run 1997 February
EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso
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183 lines
--=:)) RPGBBS DELUXE ((:=--
First release: March 5, 1995
Final release: September 25, 1996
This is a standalone BBS and a CLI-door program to play a Role Playing
Game. It is a very addicting game to those people who are familiar with
D&D style of play. User interaction, mixed with intelligent computer
opponents, makes this BBS unique and popular to call. Everyone gets tired
of message bases, networks, nodes, file uploads & downloads. Most people
want fun from their computers. Why not play games with other people? Let
your keyboard be your joystick and your modem be your game cartridge! Go
kill a monster or another user. Joust for gold and glory. Rob another
user. Pick pockets in the Square. Buy a naval warship and hunt sea
monsters or sink another user's ship. Create a gang of users to party
against another gang or the fearful Monster Mash. Drop into a dungeon and
explore your way to fortune & glory. Or, drink beer in the Tavern and
start a brawl amongst the other players. Sure, there is even E-mail and
message bases for communicating and posting, but the real fun is beating up
players, taking their possessions, and hoarding gold! This version is
fully playable.
RPGBBS Deluxe can run using any Commodore Amiga 2.04+ OS with 1meg RAM
(more RAM is required for multi-node use), a hard disk, and any Hayes-
compatible modem. It was developed on an Amiga 3000T (WB3.1), 18meg RAM,
Picasso-II (incredible!), A2232 serial card, and a SupraFAXmodem 14.4k.
RPGBBS Deluxe supports 99 levels, unlimited users & gangs, and 16-clients.
Up to 20-message bases hold last 100 posts. Up to 16-file areas for
transfers using xpr-shareable libraries for protocol compatibility. The
software multitasks very well, as it is event-driven and demands very
little CPU power at a clip. The program was written in SAS/C v6.56.
To configure RPGBBS Deluxe:
Copy the IBM and/or Venus font to your System FONTS directory. This font
is necessary for the local, custom screen in BBS mode.
Copy btree.library and rpgbbs.library to your System LIBS: directory.
RPGBBS.hof & RPGBBS.hol files contain Hall Of Fame & Lame information
for top-notch users. If this file does not exist, a new one gets
created and initialized.
USER & GANG files get initialize as necessary.
From the CLI:
* 1> RPGBBSserver ;boots write daemon to allow multi-user access
* 1> Run >NIL: RPGBBSclient Modem#1 ;name of Icon for ToolType arguments
* 1> Run >NIL: RPGBBSclient LOCAL ;runs local node
* 1> RPGBBSclient "User Name" ;runs CLI-door mode with unique username
From the Workbench:
* Double-click the RPGBBSserver icon
* Duplicate Modem#1 icon as necessary per phone line(s) you have (up to 16)
* Get Icon Information for each Modem icon and edit its Tool Types to suit
the modem type
* Double-click each Modem Icon to boot
* Double-click the Local Icon, if memory permits
Workbench Tool Types:
* RPG=(BBS,DOOR) determines if the Server will be used primarily as a
standalone BBS with a custom screen or as a CLI-door with NO server
screen. You can run it as both, with another BBS running on one
modem line using RPGBBSclient as a DOOR and running RPGBBSclient on
another modem line as a dedicated BBS.
* MODE=screen-mode-id
This Tool Type gets created via an ASL screen mode request.
Delete this item to get prompted for a list of valid screen modes.
* DEPTH=pixels determines screen depth (default is Workbench width).
This Tool Type gets created via a screen mode request. Depth should be
3 (8-color), 4 (16-color), 5 (32-color), or 8 (256-color).
* WIDTH=pixels determines screen width (default is Workbench width).
* HEIGHT=pixels determines screen height (default is Workbench height).
* FONT=venus.font (default)
This Tool Type gets created via an ASL font request.
Delete this item to get prompted for a list of valid fonts.
* SIZE=point determines the font size selected (8-32).
* TITLE=description is displayed in the console window's title bar.
* DEVICE=serial.device selects the software driver suited for your modem.
The default is Commodore-supplied in your DEVS: directory.
* UNIT=0 selects which device unit number, for multiple line modems.
* BAUD=##### defines the maximum baud rate supported by your modem. If it
is set greater than 2400, then it will lock-in at that rate and assumes
the modem will negotiate the carrier rate. 300-1200-2400 will change to
`CONNECT'ed baud rate. Connected baud values less than or equal to 75
are ignored.
* INIT=string will get sent to modem before every logon.
* QUIT=string will get sent to modem upon quitting the program.
* AREACODE=### is your local area code number
* AUTO=# is the level of Auto-verify you want allowable. 1=local callback
only, 2=local & toll, 3=local & toll & long distance. An area code that
equals 900 is ignored (I wonder why?).
* CALLBACK=# determines if call-back verification should take place. A
value of 0=none, 1=local call-backs only, 2=any call-back allowed.
* CALLERID=# interprets your modem responses to Caller ID, a telephone
service. 0=not supported, 1="NMBR = ##########", 2=hex-string
* DELAY=### is a set amount of minutes between calls the same user is NOT
allowed to logon. This allows other players a chance to logon, to avoid
* FONT=venus.font (default) or IBM.font.
* SIZE=8 (default) or any other valid point size for that typeface.
* OFFSET=# is the number of rows to offset the from the top of the screen.
A sample script, RPGboot, is provided for you to edit and add to your
Startup-Sequence or move it into your WBStartup drawer.
*NOTE: Pressing the HELP key while a user is online jumps into CHAT mode.
Press HELP again to resume game play.
There is no longer any registration fee. The file RPGBBS.license allows
full use -- Happy Hunting! Please forward any inquiries to:
Robert Hurst
11 Patricia Court
Warwick, RI 02889
RPGBBS: (401) 738-1437
E-mail: r_hurst@loa.com
--=:)) H&S DOOR ((:=--
Those of you still registering the original door version (v2.2a) may
direct your mail/inquiries to:
Mark Montminy
30 George Ide Drive
S. Attleboro, MA 02703
BBS: (508) 399-7536
E-mail: markm@dev.cdx.mot.com
--=:)) DISCLAIMER ((:=--
Micro Wave Software/Robert Hurst ("MWSOFT") make no warranties, either
expressed or implied, with respect to the information and computer software
described herein, it's quality, performance, merchantability, or fitness
for any particular purpose. Such computer software and documentation is
provided on an "AS IS" basis. The entire risk as to their quality and
performance is with the LICENSEE. Should the information and/or computer
software prove defective, the LICENSEE (and not the creator, MWSOFT)
assumes the entire cost of all necessary damages. In no event will MWSOFT
be liable for direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages
resulting from any defect in the information and computer software even if
it has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Some laws do not
allow the exclusion of implied warranties or liabilities for incidental or
consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply.